

Zhishan Guo

Associate professor,

Department of Computer Science,
North Carolina State University
Email: zguo32[at]ncsu[dot]edu
Postal Address: 2262 EB II, 890 Oval Dr, Raleigh, NC


Short Bio

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. I am a co-founder and the lead of the CPS Focus Group and a faculty of the Operations Research (OR) Graduate Program. My research interests lie in real-time scheduling theory, machine learning theory, and their applications to Cyber-Physical Systems.


Research Interests

Honors and Awards
  • ACM SIGBED CAREER Award, 2023.
  • Best Paper Award, RTSS 2023
  • UCF Reach for the Stars Award, 2022.
  • Best Industry Solution Award, RTSS 2021.
  • Best Paper Award, EMSOFT 2020.
  • Best Student Paper Award, RTSS 2019.
  • Outstanding Paper Award, RTSS 2019.
  • Outstanding (Faculty) Undergraduate Teaching Award, Department of Computer Science, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2014-2015.

  • I review about 40 papers per year, as PC/Senior PC member in conferences (including RTSS, RTAS, EMSOFT, AAAI, DAC, etc.) and editor/reviewer for journals (such as IoTJ, TPDS, TNNLS, TECS, TC, TII, TCAD, TCPS, TIME, TNSE, TETCI, etc.). I actively serve in research communities (mainly IEEE TCRTS and ACM SIGBED) as a member of the executive committee, subcommittees, organization roles in conferences, and editorial roles for journals. I also frequently serve on NSF panels and review industry proposals.